Saturday, 13 November 2010

Drawing Life

On a Saturday morning the first thing I like to do is read the papers, decide what vegetables I am going to buy from Portobello market and drink at least five cups of coffee before even venturing outside.
Today is different. Well, the coffee part stays constant but I have replaced reading papers with drawing. Why?...
Because Wednesday 17th November at 7.30pm I will be holding a special Life Drawing class at The Tabernacle in Notting Hill.
The fears of those of you who 'can't draw' or are 'rusty' must be displaced because, I shall be there in all my crazy glory to assist all levels and I really must stress that this is something fun, it is a chance to do something else, learn a few new things or brush up on old things along the way and interact and mingle with others.
Moreover, I will be baking with an extremely helpful friend, so there is going to be a selection of cakes and also champagne cocktails to loosen up the stiffest of limbs.
So, for enquiries or bookings, email
Big Kisses.
'A work of art is the
unique result of a unique temperament' Oscar Wilde

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